Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A New World

I couldn't believe this was happening.

 I had thought that everyone was asleep when I went to bed. Apparently I was wrong. One of the children must have gotten up to make themselves something to eat. Then, having sleepily forgotten about it, gone back to bed. Either way, the fire must have been going to a while because it was nearing the ceiling now.

I had walked in the kitchen at dawn to get the kids something to take with them to school. But now, as I can see, that won't be possible.

 I stared at the roaring fire. Completely frozen in fear and unsureness of what to do in the current situation. They always say, "Stop, drop, and roll" when faced with such a fire. But that couldn't seem to come to my mind at the time.

 Before I knew it, the fire was on me. I did a little dance of pain, somewhat hoping it would go out.

 The flames were so hot, scorching my back. But it must have taken that, because soon after I grabbed a nearby cup and poured water down my back. I had to get the kids out of the house. And Alex too, who was probably oblivious to the whole thing.

I was singed as I ran throughout the house, dodging flames that seemed to pop up out of no where in various places. I hoarded the kids up from their beds, leading them out of the house.

But Alex. . . 

Where was Alex?

I had to go back and get him.

"Alex?" I screamed as I barged into our bedroom. He was no where to be seen. He must have slipped out earlier. But why wasn't he outside with the kids then? There was no time to doddle. I had to get outside.

I had almost made it. The front door was only a few feet in front of me. I could hear my children's screams in agony for their mother. I could finally hear the sirens. The firefighters would be here shortly. All I had to do was hold out until then. They would rescue me. 

Little Arnold's screams rang out above his siblings' cries. He was trying to get in the house, but being held back by the adults that were around. I wished I could reach him, to tell them all how much I loved them. To tell them that everything would be okay. But at this point, I wasn't so sure myself.

Everything faded into silence. All except one voice. "Arise, Child," I heard.

I looked up to see a dark shadowy figure hovering above me. I blinked a few times. What? Am I dreaming? Please tell me I'm dreaming . .

I held my hand in front of my face. I could see through it. Much like babies 13 and 15, except my body was a different color. An orangey-color. The figure suddenly appeared in front of me. I stared at him for a long time before speaking, "What is this?"

"Salline Trish. Welcome to the afterlife," he said with a creepy smile. "You have been granted a second chance. I advise you to use it wisely." After that, he vanished. Literally.

Later that night, I got my answer as to where Alex had snuck off to. Cheating. He was cheating on me all along and I never knew. He acted as if he cared for me, as if he loved me, but it was all a lie. 

Alright! Now for the real story. Haha. My game messed up again, and I was able to redownload Salline because she was on the exchange. But I lost all the others. So I decided to add a little twist. ;)


  1. Oh Gosh!! Poor Salline. :'(
    That jerk of a guy, Alex! -_-
    Great post!!!

    ~Dawn Turner
