Monday, May 2, 2011

Benefits (Babies: 4 & 5)

The newborn twins were asleep when the family woke up. It was 6:30AM, so they all ate their morning cereal. The scrunched their noses the whole time though, one of them had forgotten to wash a plate and it had sit out all night attracting flies. They didn't have enough time to wash it right then, so they had to leave it. Jay didn't seem to mind, although he was the furthest from it. They finished just in time as the bus pulled up to pick up Salline and her Baby Boy.

Salline held her son's hand on the bus. It was his first day. (Isn't the new house pretty? :DD) She hoped nobody would make fun of her son just because his mother was in highschool. That might sound bad.
Salline- "If anyone makes fun of you, Baby, you tell me."
Jay- "Nobody's going to make fun of me, Mom." She wiped the hair out of his eyes and started fixing him up. "Mom! Stop before someone sees. I'll be fine." She squeezed Jay's hand.
Salline- "I just don't want anything bad to happen to you, ever. I love you, Baby. Have a good time at school." She waved at him as the Elementary school came into view.

While the kids were at school, Luna Banks started cleaning the house. She started by doing the laundry. It was the least she could do for Salline, even though Salline didn't encourage Luna's helping nature. Salline was an independent person, and didn't care to show you that either.

The twins were still asleep, so Luna ran out of things to do quickly. She watched some TV and danced to some nice Pop music for a while. Then she heard the Twins' hungry cries. Finally. This was one of the rare times when Luna could care for the children, since Salline was a very protective mother.

She fed Landon first, and then Allie. "Shh. Don't you cry, Baby. It's okay," she comforted them. The action made her want a family of her own, but she was here to help Salline, not day dream about her own selfish desires. Was that selfish? (The twins are quite..pale, aren't they?!) Luna couldn't wait until her friends got here. Well, they weren't really her friends, but her acquaintances. She figured it'd be good for Salline to have some friends to look up to, since she didn't come to Luna herself. As if called, the guests Luna was expecting arrived. She rushed down the stairs and opened the door.

Luna- "Amber Lights, Aryn Foshiqqi! Welcome! Come in, come in."
Amber- "Thanks for inviting us."
Aryn- "You can say that again. It's always nice to get out of the house once in a while." They all laughed.
Luna- "Salline will be here soon. She's at school." They nodded and went and sat on the couch for a while. They talked for a while, until Salline stumbled through the door.

Luna- "Salline, I want you to meet Amber Lights, and Aryn Foshiqqi." Salline eyed them suspiciously. They looked cooler than normal sims. Not meaning that in a bad way. They just looked...different, in a good way. They smiled, seeming to sense what she was thinking.
Aryn- "We're challenge mothers." Salline smiled widely.
Salline- "Me too!" They all laughed.
Amber- "We know. That's why we're here. In case you need to talk to us. A friend." She looked at Luna as if suggesting Luna wasn't one of those. She wasn't trying to be impolite to her, it was the truth. Luna wasn't a challenge mother, she didn't understand. "I'm already on 45." She winked and smiled.
Aryn mumbled- "I'm on 2." Salline felt surprised. She was actually ahead on this challenge! Then again, Aryn probably started a little later than usual. It was nice to have someone to talk to about this, seeing as Luna couldn't. Seeing she wasn't needed, Luna walked off. Who knows where she went, but she didn't go upstairs to the kids room. Salline let out a sigh of relief.
Salline- "I'm about to be starting my fourth." She paused, looking for Jay. Oh, right, he'd gone over to another boy's house. He'd be back later. "Well, Jay is at a friend's, but do you want to see my newest?" She gestured over her shoulder. They nodded and followed her up the staircase.

Salline watched them as they handled the twins with care. They were the only ones so far that she trusted with caring for her babies. Everyone was under-qualified. You had to be a challenge mom, and be Salline's friend so barely anyone ever got into that fine category with her. All too soon, Salline heard footsteps coming up the stairs. She rolled her eyes and The Girls (her new nickname for Aryn and Amber) gave her stern looks. Be nice!

When Salline saw Luna her mouth dropped 5 miles down. OMG! Luna had changed her look. She looks hot! Why did she change herself? Was this her trying to fit in, or showing her true self? Salline had no idea. She looked back at The Girls and noticed they had the same stunned expression written all over their face. Salline stared at Luna's former bleach-blond hair now dyed black with purple streaks. It was longer. Wig, or extentions? It looked so...real. In that moment, Salline decided to give Luna another chance to change her mind about the now awesome-looking adult. Was Salline judging Luna all this time just because she was forced to live with her? The thought made Salline feel ashamed. She walked steadily over to Luna.
Salline- "Luna? Me and The Girls are going out tonight.." She looked back at them for support; they only nodded. "would you like to come?" Luna wrapped her arms around Salline in a friendly hug.
Luna- "You don't know how much this means." Salline weakly smiled. Chance, chance, she reminded herself.

Salline had to go to the store and left The Girls and Luna home alone. I think Luna's new look went to her head. She started playing with one of the kid's firetruck. The Girls just kind of left her there, and went on their ways. (I'm not kidding; she actually just started doing it herself xD)

Aryn- "I hope Salline gets back soon."
Amber- "Me too, Luna is kinda freaking me out. I hate admitting that, but it's the truth." Aryn laughed.
Aryn- "I feel the same." Then they heard Luna come to the top of the stairs.
Luna- "When are we leaving, Girls?" The Girls exchanged looks.
Both- "In a few minutes. Be ready." Aryn sighed, but didn't say anything as she heard Luna leave.

Amber took a nap on Salline's bed while Aryn stayed up and had to 'babysit' Luna. I really do think she's gone nuts.

Luna played around with the twins for a bit while The Girls stayed downstairs. Ironic, huh? Salline's children and Luna will be best friends. :))

Aryn voluntarily worked on the laundry. (I'm telling you, this isn't normal! They have too much laundry per day!)  Then the washer decided it would leak, leaving Aryn no choice but to subdue it and clean up the puddle.

(I have no idea why my sims like to get real dark while in the pool.)
Aryn got  bored really fast, and decided to cool herself off with a nice swim. How much longer could Salline be anyways? Then Salline finally came home.

(Luna is the one in the Black dress, Amber in pink, Salline in blue, and Aryn in black/purple.)

While they were at the Dance club, they were goofy and dancing in a group around eachother. People, preferably men, gawked at the girls as they danced. But even so, Salline couldn't help but worry about her children. Who knew if that babysitter was doing her/his job? That's right, Salline had heard numerous rumors about lazy babysitters. She hoped this wasn't one such case.

Luna danced with some wierd guy that asked her to dance. She actually seemed interested. See, she's going crazy! Not that she wasn't crazy before, because she was.

Salline was having a pretty fun time as well. She had changed her hairstyle for the occasion, and wore a tight dress, showing off her curves. It felt nice feeling sexy for once.

Amber was getting down! She was having fun too.

Same goes for Aryn. She looked good. :D

They all took a picture together.

Apparently someone else had noticed Salline's confidence too, because a man approached her. He looked her age, but looked way more mature, and hot. He looked different, he had butterfly wings. Wings! He was different, like her, and she liked that. To know there was someone else out there that was content and even thrived being who they were.
Man- "Hello. I'm Jean, Jean Deveraux. Nice to meet you. Can I buy you a drink?" Salline nodded her head and waited for him to return from the bar. Did it matter that she was under-age? The bartender didn't seem to care and immediately poured the drink anyways. Salline wasn't pregnant now, so drinking wouldn't harm anything, right? That reminded her, she wasn't pregnant. She needed to find another challenge father and fast. She had a pretty good idea who it would be. She looked back at her friends, who acknowledged her not dancing. Aryn winked, Amber nodded, and Luna threw her a thumbs-up sign. Salline smiled. It was good to have such great friends.

She took the drink from him. He said it was a Neon Breeze. She took a cautious sip. It made her mouth tingle. It exploded flavor into her mouth and she found herself gulping it down. Soon she found herself reaching for the next one and he handed it over willingly. He watched her like a gem as she drank. She found that funny, but didn't pay much attention to it seeing as she was having her first, and best drink ever.

Jean- "I would like to be in your challenge, Salline."
Salline- "I was thinking the exact same thing. Shall we go?" He smiled.
Jean- "You don't waste any time do you?" He laughed. "Alright."

They sealed the deal with a kiss. Salline nodded to her friends and knew they understood before she and the new challenge father went to the house and ended the agreement. Baby 4 would be here soon!

Luna fed the babies while Salline was at school the next morning, like the good kid she is. The Girls didn't spend the night that night, instead they went to their homes. Today would be everyone's birthday! How ironic. She just had to wait for Salline..

Until Salline got home, Luna decided to play with the kid's dollhouse. (I didn't force her to either, she's just a weird adult :P)

Salline said a quick prayer for Allie as they approached the birthday cake. "I love you, Baby," Salline murmured. Luna, along with Jay, cheered for the twins as they grew up well.

Allie Trish

Landon's turn!

Landon Trish

Jay's turn!

Jay Trish
New trait: Handy

Salline fed the twins and tucked them in. "I love you, Babies," she cooed. She smiled and turned off the light, leaving them to their dreams. She stared at Jay. He looked so much like Alex it was unreal. Besides his hair, of course. She sighed. "You better go to bed, Jay. I love you." "I love you too, Mom."

The next morning, Salline ate and done the laundry! The first time too. Luna likes doing laundry, I guess.

Jay had cereal, and flaunted off his new abs. (You can hardly see them in this light though.)

Later that day, Luna took the twins to the park and let them play in the fresh air. They never get out of the house, and it was a nice day, so she took them.

When Salline and Jay got out of school, they immediately came to the park for a family day out. Salline was shocked when they got there because Justin, the twins' dad, was playing with them for the first time. This is the first time he has even saw them. Salline and Justin talked while Luna swung and Jay played with Allie. Then Salline rubbed her stomach and announced that she is pregnant!

Later the family all sat down for some delicious hotdogs that Salline made. The twins got bottles, of course. Then they drove home from a lovely day at the park, all happy that they could spend some quality time together. That's rare time, and Salline hoped there would be more to come.

 Salline put little Allie in a new nursery bed she bought and stared at her. Before she knew it, Allie fell asleep, and Salline was too loving to wake her up and put her in her crib.

 They both took showers, thankfully.

 A wierd paparazzi watched all the 'action' from the window.

 Jay was frustrated because Salline still made him do his homework, but he got over it and got determined to make an A in class so he could grow up soon.

 She done her homework as well.

 She put Landon to bed. (=

 Luna made waffles, but Salline insisted she not waste perfectly good cake. She's

 Salline and Jay went to school. :')

 Landon played with his blocks. He's so cute! :DD

 Luna did some chores and refreshed herself with a swim while Salline was gone.

 Day 2!

 Jay potty trained Allie completely. He's such a nice kid!

 Jay even put the twins to bed for Salline, since she wasn't feeling too well.

 Jay had some bedtime cereal, and hurried off to bed.

 Before Salline went to bed, though, she unclogged the overflowing toilet. Poor Salline!

 Salline and Jay ate cereal in the morning, and cleaned up their dishes. (=

 The bus was pulling into the drive as Salline went into labor. She rushed Jay off toward the bus, saying she'd be okay.

 After 2 hours of no success, Salline decided to just go to the hospital. She came out with a baby carrier! Wonder what we have here... I know!



(Sorry the last bit is a little non-descriptive.. Blogger decided to delete my post today, so I had to rewrite it, and didn't want to spend alot of time on it in case it did so again.) Be ready for the new post! :DD


  1. i know you said on facebook not to worry about this one. but this is a good post! only one error.

    "The "scrunched their noses the whole time though, - They (is that what it meant to be?)

    I like the new banner
