Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Heart Wants (Baby 1)

Salline wasn't like most teens her age. She was more mature, caring, and wanted children. Yes, she wanted 100 of them! It all started when she overheard two adults talking about The 100 Baby Challenge. The idea appealed to the woman as much as it seemed to please the older women.

After that, she scoped out her victim. She didn't have to go straight home because her mother had died long ago and her father was no where to be seen. Salline lives with an adult by the name of  Luna Banks. Soon she found a very petite teenager named Alex. He seemed to be interested in her because he kept staring. "That's not weird at all," she thought, suddenly self-conscious. She approached him slowly, taking in his looks and trying to look hot. She actually managed to be graceful!...For once.

It didn't take too long before she convinced him to be the first father of the challenge and immediately brought him home into bed. Then after that, it was late and he wanted to spend the night. "Sure!" she exclaimed. She stared off into his smoky, dreamy eyes before she turned and headed off into the small bunk bed as well.

She didn't get too much sleep that night. She found herself awake early and got up stiffly. She stared down at his peaceful body. "So sweet", she thought. It was still late so she figured that Luna had already gone to bed early. She was bored, and decided to give herself a make-over.

She knew that the pregnancy symptoms weren't far off, so she picked a comfortable outfit a bit early. Then she worked on the nursery.

"That's good enough," she said to herself, still not pleased. She snorted and clutched her stomach as it growled furiously. She was very hungry and nearly jumped up the stairs to make something. Still yet, it was still dark outside, but she couldn't help it.

"OUCH!" She screamed, sticking a bloody finger into her mouth and washing it in the sink next to her. "Who knew cooking could be so...dangerous." This was her very first time attempting to make mac&cheese. Or anything, for that matter. Thank God 'natural cook' is one of her traits. She didn't burn it. She hungrily ate and waited for one of the two others to awake. It didn't take too long, Luna woke up first.

Salline stired around her food, stalling the time when she'd have to tell Luna about the challenge. She'd already vomited once, so she knew it was confirmed. Finally she decided she'd have to. "Luna?" she paused, "I'm a challenge mother." Luna glared at her like she was her mother. "Salline! You're only a teenager! No... I won't allow it." Salline smiled. "I think I'm.. pregnant." Luna's mouth dropped, but she stayed silent. Since Salline had school in the morning, she decided to sleep till then and hopped in the bed again.

I knew I should have bought that alarm! she screamed when she got up the next morning to find that a burglar had come in the night and stole their computer and shower. She furiously replaced the items and bought the alarm before noticing that Alex had gone home. "He didn't even clean up his mess!" She sighed as she washed the leftover dishes and washed her teeth.

It wasn't long before she heard the bus blow it's really annoying horn. But like a good kid, she changed quickly and headed to it. She was eager to get to school and share the good news with everyone. She was going to be a mother! Anytime now that baby bump will show...hopefully.

As soon as Salline got home from school, the first baby bump showed! Salline was super excited and hoped that the baby was a girl, despite the blue nursery. "She'll get over it," she thought. She basically skipped in the door to tell Luna the great news.

Luna didn't respond the way Salline wanted her to exactly, though she was a little supportive. Luna sighed. "Well, I guess there's no way to avoid this baby, is there?" Luna asked the rhetorical question. Salline shook her head quickly. "Then I suppose we're gonna have a new addition. I'm going to have to order a baby crib an-" Salline cut her off short. "I've already got the nursery set up." Luna stared at her for a moment before turning away. Salline wanted to say, "Get ready for the next 99!" But didn't.

Like the good student she wished to be, she started on her homework. She had no idea if she'd be able to keep up this daily routine once the house gets full of kids. She hoped she'd find the time, but you never know. Eventually, Salline hoped to finish school and grow-up to a young adult successfully, while being a good mother. But she knew it all had to be about compromise. But as a short-term goal, Salline decided to invite Alex over and inform him of the good news.

Before Salline invited Alex over, she worked on her magic skill, which she ordered from a magazine called Mod The Sims. The whole time, her mind raced with various thoughts relating to the baby. She was going to be a mom! Salline smiled as she practiced.

After having achieved level one in magic, she put her witch wand away and called Alex. She was a little shocked when he said he didn't want to come over, so she just talked over the phone. "I'll tell him tomorrow. He'll find out whether he wants to or not," she said to herself. She rubbed her growing stomach adoringly, hardly believing there was a little baby in there.

She went to bed early that night. She was to wake up at 6:30 A.M., eat a quick breakfast, brush her teeth, and get ready for school. She sighed heavily as she lied in bed, and started dreaming sweetly about the days to come with her future children.

When Salline woke up the next morning, she noticed she had another baby bump! (Baby bump 2)

After she stopped staring at her enlarged stomach, she hopped into the shower for a much needed bath before going upstairs for some breakfast. (Don't you just LOVE the movable shower curtain?)

By the time Salline finished her shower and cereal, she had only a few minutes before the bus came to pick her up. She promised herself that when she could afford it, she was ditching the bus for a cooler car for herself. She'd need that anyways. Sadly, she didn't have enough time to brush her teeth before she left either. Thankfully for other sims, Salline borrowed a piece of gum from one of her friends.

Before school let out, Alex invited Salline over to his house. She gladly accepted, and when she got there she told him the good news. It took it excitingly well, and pulled her into a tight embrace before prancing off to work. Salline just walked home happily.

When Salline got home, she quickly ate dinner, did homework, practiced magic, and finally decided to make a sort of 'second' nursery for toddler sims. She wanted her family to have the best they could get, and wanted them to know that they were 'big girls' and 'big boys,' and therefore didn't have to sleep in a normal crib like their baby siblings.

Salline noticed that Luna was asleep on her little pallet in the floor way too early for her usual timing. She wasn't used to seeing Luna's sleeping form, and it threw her off a little. Maybe she was just stress about Salline's pregnancy?

Salline decided she was too stressed that morning to go to school, either that or she knew something was going to happen. She was in her last few days of pregnancy, no coincidence. She wobbled up the stairs with her polka-dotted pj's to get some food. After she ate, she cleaned out the refridgerator. She kept complaining, "Tastes like fridge!"

Then she gripped her stomach...
and contractions started! She was in labor!
After a bit of it all, Salline got to pick two traits for her very first baby.

 Presenting, Jay Trish! The first baby to the challenge, given 'genius' & 'artistic' as traits.

Family photo!

Thanks for reading! I'll be posting more soon. :D


  1. oooo c'mon i wanna see more post! lol hehe these are good!

  2. You'll have a new post soon enough>>sorry, I got caught up in a new game on Facebook xD I'll work on it tomorrow, promise! <33

  3. How did you make a teenager have a baby?
