Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Babies 22-23: Easy

It was late night at this point, and everyone was up. The girls, too. I only let them stay up because I had aged them up, and we were only waiting on the boys.

The boys had come more to terms with the fact that they did have to age up eventually. It wasn't natural for them to still be in the house while the rest of their younger siblings had moved out before them. However, they insisted on staying children while the house watched the Super Bowl, and it was only ever on one night a year, so I decided to spare them for the moment.

As the Super Bowl seemed to last forever, I got bored quickly. I was never one for sports, and could probably have it out of my life entirely if it wasn't for Alex. So while they were arguing over which team was the best, I took the opportunity to run by the hospital.

I was there to get pregnant with the next baby. I wanted unique fathers for the challenge, and Alex knew. We made a sweet compromise; So I could at least have a variety of different children rather than all the same. He agreed it was fine with him so long as I didn't ever actually get in bed with them. That being said, I was soon carrying baby 22!

 In the morning, after the kids had gone to school, Alex worked on progressing in his game. .

Which left me to do the daily chores. Did I mention the new hair color? Apparently at the store, I had grabbed a malfunctioned bottle of dye and applied it to my hair--and this was the result! In a way I liked it, though. 

After that I couldn't resist relaxing outdoors.

I must have been tired, because I was woken up hours later by the triplet boys asking to be aged. "We're ready now!" they said. They told me all about their field trip to the Mausoleum, that I had completely forgot about. That, and their fear of me getting hurt again, was what had apparently held them back. They knew they would be aged twice. I hated to pretty much skip their teen years, but I had to have space for the rest of the children. There were no exceptions.

 Riley as a Young Adult.

 Luke as a Young Adult.

Bryce as a Young Adult.

The first nauseousness of the day! At least it made me aware of my progressing pregnancy.

Then I made a dinner that nobody couldn't simply walk away from: Mac n Cheese! Everybody loves that stuff. Don't tell anyone, but I secretly put extra cheese in mine while I make it. . . I just can't help it! Honestly I could have probably eat the entire pot of it myself.

Then when after the girls got their homework finished, I read them each to sleep. The next bit of the pregnancy was seemingly perfect, nonetheless.


Soon after that I finally went into labor.

 22: Ryse Trish

23: Ria Trish